Leaked chat PROVES FBI helped orchestrate J6

The Federal Government was forced to pause the “Proud Boys’” trial regarding J6 insurrection and you will never guess why.

Special Agent Nicole Miller accidentally revealed that her boss ORDERED her to destroy 338 items of evidence via chat logs that were leaked. That’s bad news for the prosecution. And now it’s official. We are living under the very government our founding fathers warned us against.

Apparently, Miller not only lied to the defense but also may have spied on attorney-client communications (last I checked, these fall under the ‘privileged’ category) after also being asked to “edit out that I was present” during a meeting with a confidential informant. I guess this is the kind of ‘higher loyalty’ James Comey wrote about.

Now, it’s the FBI that is sweating bullets, as they now claim some of those messages are very likely classified.

via patriottruthnews

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