Biden’s Monumental Lies – LATEST CHAPTER

Part 4 of a series of articles documenting Joe Biden’s lies, as president, now has hit the web.

No. 250, listed by The Federalist, is his claim that he’s a Catholic who was raised in synagogues.

The report explains it was in a call with Jewish faith leaders just days ago he made the claim.

“I – you might say raised in the synagogues in my state. Do you think I’m kidding? I’m not,” he claimed.

The report explained, “Just like Biden was not raised in a black church or a Puerto Rican community, Biden was not raised in a synagogue. Instead, he grew up in a Catholic home and attended an all-boys Catholic school.”

“I’m as much a cultural Catholic as I am a theological Catholic. My idea of self, of family, of community, of the wider world comes straight from my religion. It’s not so much the Bible, the Beatitudes, the Ten Commandments, the sacraments, or the prayers I learned. It’s the culture,” he told readers in a book he wrote.

A previous installment in the ongoing series, No. 3 for those counting, included his unfounded claim that he taught at the University of Pennsylvania.


And that he visited Ground Zero the day after 9.11.

Not that either.

And one he’s often repeated: That half his house “almost collapsed” after a fire there years ago.

Firefighters reported the flames were in one room, and under control in 20 minutes, after a lightning strike.

And that he saw a Pittsburgh bridge collapse.

Actually, he arrived hours later and saw the damage, but then claimed, wildly, “I got there and saw it collapse.”

He’s often claimed credit for “job creation” when actually it was workers returning to their tasks after the shutdowns of the COVID-19 pandemic.

He’s claimed there are “nine wonders” of the word, even though the rest of the world recognizes only seven.

And of course, in his mind, he’s known for “ending cancer.”

Part 2 includes his stunning claim, “I will be honest with you, as I’ve always promised.”

And his infamous, “Anyone making less than $400 K doesn’t have to pay more taxes.”

Part 1, launched just days after he took office, includes his claim that Republicans, not Democrats, tried to defund police, that Capitol riots killed police officers, as well as his assertion that the southern border is “under control.”

WND, too, long has reported on Biden’s lies.

In fact, he recently said black and Hispanic workers … “You know, the workers without high school diplomas,” when in fact many black and Hispanic workers have attained high levels of education.

The New York Post report explained, “Biden’s latest blunder comes amid growing concerns about the president’s mental acuity as he runs for a second term in office. He has made a number of gaffes over his three years in office.”

The report noted just last year Biden asked, “Jackie, are you here? Where’s Jackie?” as he searched the room for Jackie Walorski, an Indiana congresswoman who had been killed in a car accident the month before.

The Post noted, “He also called for regime change in Russia following its invasion of Ukraine, only for the White House to later deny he meant that when he said of Vladimir Putin: ‘For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power.'”

Biden’s history even includes multiple instances of plagiarism.

WND columnist Lt. Col. James Zumwalt recently wrote he “has built his career upon one falsehood after another – one of which resulted in him having to drop out of an earlier presidential campaign.”

“It is well-known that throughout his political career, Biden has been guilty of plagiarizing the speeches, essays and policy positions of others. It has always been a part of his DNA as evidenced by the fact he was caught as a first-year law student at Syracuse University in 1987 copying five pages from a law review journal ‘without quotation or attribution’ – which he explained away as a mistake.”

He continued, “During his 1988 presidential campaign, Biden again demonstrated no concern about plagiarizing from the speeches of British politician Neil Kinnock, Robert Kennedy and President John F. Kennedy.”

He continued, citing confirmation of Biden’s “poor grades” despite his claims to scholarship-level performances. “He did not hesitate to claim on the 1988 presidential campaign trail that he graduated in the top half of his class. To further embellish his academic career, Biden also claimed he had gone to law school ‘on a full academic scholarship, that he had been named the outstanding student in the political science department as an undergraduate at the University of Delaware, and that he had graduated from Delaware with three undergraduate degrees.’ He later issued a statement acknowledging all these claims were ‘inaccurate.’ It was no surprise then when he withdrew from his presidential campaign.”

Pertinent right now, in light of congressional investigations into possible corruption and influence-peddling by the Biden family, are his claims that he’s never discussed son Hunter’s business dealings, even though there’s significant evidence he did.

via wnd

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