Biden implementing government program to recruit Dem voters

During the 2020 elections, Mark Zuckerberg used his immense wealth, essentially, to buy the election for Joe Biden, an analysis has confirmed.

He turned over some $420 million to local elections officials often with instructions for them to recruit voters from Democrat-influenced regions.

Already, charges have been requested in Wisconsin because state law there bans state officials from doing anything to recruit voters.

But overall, the concept is what Biden wanted when Democrats in Congress proposed their elections-takeover plan, a plan that has yet to succeed.

But Biden is moving on that agenda point anyway, according to a report in the Federalist.

It is Tarren Bragdon, Foundation for Government Accountability, who explained that Biden is trying to demand that federal agencies “work with partisan private groups to strategically boost voter turnout in areas that would benefit Democrats.”

Bragdon explained, “After failing to pass federal legislation to federalize control of the elections through Congress, and after states passed election integrity bills of their own, the president is attempting a very quiet federal election takeover using an executive order to redirect federal tax dollars toward identifying new voting blocs who are expected to heavily support Democratic candidates.”

It was a year ago that Biden unleashed Executive Order 14019, “which demanded more than a dozen federal agencies to register new voters and ‘promote voter participation.’ The list of agencies ranged from the Department of Education to the Department of Homeland Security,” the report explained.

In doing so, Biden “is hiding an effort to require federal agencies to work with partisan private groups to strategically boost voter turnout in areas that would benefit Democrats. This order tips the scales to favor one party at every level of our representative democracy.”

“This is like the ‘Zuckerbucks’ scandal that funneled millions of private dollars into Democrat-favored districts during the 2020 election. But rather than Facebook’s founder funding it, taxpayers would,” the report said.

“As state legislatures pass election integrity laws to make sure the Zuckerberg scandal will never happen again, President Biden is taking action to ensure it will happen again and on an even bigger scale in Democrat strongholds,” the report said.

The order, in fact, takes federal agencies where they’ve not gone before. It orders them to be “promoting voter registration and voter participation” even though that’s far beyond their stated missions.

Further, efforts to track down exactly what is going on have “hit dead ends.”

What has been released is that the government wants to be “increasing civic engagement,” and the various plans all appear to “open the door to partisan electioneering run by the federal government,” the report said.

via wnd

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