AUDIO: RINO AZ State Rep. Bashes Rep. Finchem, Claims Decertification Is Impossible

The Arizona legislature now looks to reclaim Arizona’s eleven stolen 2020 presidential electors after the Wisconsin Assembly voted unanimously to move forward Rep. Ramthun’s resolution to reclaim Wisconsin’s electors.
The Arizona audit report with evidence of elections law violations and hundreds of thousands of fraudulent ballots was delivered to Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich over four months ago and a criminal investigation is ongoing. The Attorney General’s office has received even more evidence from across the state and investigators have spoken to multiple suspects.
Arizona State Representative and Trump-endorsed candidate for Secretary of State Mark Finchem is currently drafting a resolution to decertify Arizona’s 2020 Presidential election.
But RINO Arizona State Representative and U.S. Congressional Candidate Walter Blackman, says this is not a possibility.
After revealing that he was not a supporter of Finchem for Secretary of State, Blackman went on to bash Finchem for calling to decertify Arizona.
In a recent interview, Blackman sounded like a Democrat.
Reporter: Why aren’t you voting Finchem, who’s been really active in the audit?
Blackman:  I understand he’s been active in the audit but I just want to tell things that are real. Because I, you know, like to be straight, straight with folks. There’s been a lot of chatter about decertifying the election. There’s a couple things wrong with that, that we can’t do that. We are not going to be able to decertify an election… number two, you look at the Constitution. There is nothing in the Constitution that says that we can decertify.

The U.S. Constitution grants plenary power to the State Legislature to oversee elections and choose or withdraw their state’s electors. The House and Senate can decertify with a joint resolution.
Rep. Mark Finchem is already working on this piece of legislation.
Walt Blackman is either wrong or too weak to stand for his constituents.
Former U.S. Navy Seal, entrepreneur, and MAGA candidate for U.S. Congress in Arizona’s district two Eli Crane called on the Arizona Legislature to decertify and for Attorney General Mark Brnovich to investigate the stolen election just days after the Arizona audit report was delivered.

Contact Walter Blackman and demand decertification.
Phone Number: 602-926-3043
via thegatewaypundit

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