9 in 10 Americans oppose this deadly Biden policy!

Nearly nine in 10 Americans oppose a policy of the Biden administration that is so lethal that it results in one dead American every seven minutes.

That’s from a new polling from Convention of States Action, in partnership with The Trafalgar Group, which contacted more than 1,000 likely general election voters from April 11-14.

It found that 87.5% of voters say “they are concerned about the large quantity of fentanyl and other illegal drugs being brought across the southern U.S. border.”

While drugs long have been pushed onto American victims across the Mexican border, it was Biden, on taking office, who destroyed virtually every facet of the carefully constructed border security plan installed by President Trump.

His moves, like the cancellation of already contracted border wall construction, also sent the message to millions of migrants that the American society – and all of its financial benefits – were available for the taking.

Along with the surge of millions of illegal aliens who immediately took aim at the U.S. were drug dealers who by now have shipped tons of deadly chemicals into the U.S.

Among those is fentanyl.

The poll revealed 63.6% of the respondents are “very concerned” about the policies that allow fentanyl to be smuggled into the U.S., and another 23.9% said they are “somewhat concerned.”

Among Democrats, 82% expressed concern, 84.1% of independents said the same, and 94.7% of Republicans expressed concern.

“The huge numbers of voters, from all political parties, showing concern on this issue should be a wake-up call to every politician and bureaucrat in Washington D.C. How many more Americans have to die before the federal government takes the threat of fentanyl streaming across our southern border seriously? Every 7 minutes another American dies from a fentanyl overdose, and month after month we hear of no real solutions coming out of D.C,” said Mark Meckler, president of the Convention of States and organizer of the upcoming HOW MANY MORE? Rally in Austin, Texas.

“Thankfully states are starting to step up, with the Texas legislature now considering legislation that would allow the state to aggressively address the drug cartels free rein at the border.”

Meckler is an organizer of the coming rally, where he’ll be joined by Ted Nugent, Rep. Chip Roy, Lara Logan, and others.

The event is on April 29 at the Texas Capitol in Austin.

via wnd

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